Is Yesterday Stealing Your Today?
Life is moving on and so must we. If you're exhausted from trying to whistle a symphony, now is the time to decide who you want in your orchestra.
Intuition is the language of our hearts; key to strengthening awareness, self expression, and transforming relationships. These channelled posts are designed to help guide your path for the month ahead for choice and sovereignty, and may resonate more with those identifying with counterpart or soul connections.
Our instinctive compass and timeline shifts
No one can deny that March has been a big month. After what’s felt like an eternity of stagnancy or slow progression, there’s been thirty-one days of initialising, realisations, awakenings and the beginnings of movement that inform the rest of the year. Some of it has happened in reality, some at energetic and/or cellular level, but for most of us, it’s been both. Not many of the people that resonate with my posts remain in the same position they started March in, and are feeling the enormity of their truth and likely, subsequent shifting of paths.
Both numerologically and astrologically, it was a big master number eleven pinnacle month, full of tests of growth and reflective responses, with planetary movement illuminating where we are no longer on the same frequency within a close relationship, whether that be one of business, romantic, friend or family.
The guidance is to move on with gratitude for the shared journey, ready to co-create a new reality where we own and celebrate our truth and individual essence. There is no right or wrong way of doing whatever theme that’s at the heart of it, for the shift in path is to own our worth in how we complement a new partnership without trying to change the other. For some of us, two paths are arriving at the same place, at a pre-agreed meeting point ready to accept another’s perspective and gifts to be of service; one of which we can no longer do from a place of vanity or ego.
Timelines are converging and we’re being called to choose: do we stay in old ways of thinking, behaving and longing, or do we step forward to transform perceived limitations into new possibilities with a co-creative energy and flow?
Elsewhere, I’m still witnessing emotions being labelled as ‘negative’, but it is my stance there is no such thing as a negative emotion; it is only what we choose to do with them that qualifies as good or bad. We must be kind and gentle with ourselves. Where can we recognise misaligned actions and begin to communicate our awareness without being concerned for judgement or condemnation? Our individual learnings are ours alone and not for speculation or unsolicited course-correction. Where can we instead action acceptance and interrelation?
Unconditional love doesn’t claim. But that doesn’t mean we need to accept nonreciprocal behaviour if there is a blatant disregard for balance and compromise. We must notice if there is a correlation in how we treat others and how we treat ourselves. Become aware of internal responses and conditioned reactions. What barriers to connection do they enable and where is there an ego defence being activated from the need to control and manage? What is at the heart of your pure intention and how may you communicate this better (especially with yet another Mercury retrograde from 1st-25th April)?
When we speak our truth with no expectation or hope for a predetermined response, something profoundly shifts within us. We become free.
“You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one”.
- Unknown
To drift or not to drift… complement to harmonise
Practically speaking, there is work to be done in quantum leaping.
Some of us are leaving jobs, changing careers, closing businesses and starting new, moving house, changing location, sorting out finance and legals and focusing on paperwork that starts the migration. There is very much a need to remain grounded throughout the process of what is for most of us, a challenging part of navigating modern life.
During this time we can be feeling destabilised and confined to the illusion of mental patterns that might include completing cycles of self esteem, connection or criticism. And, we feel it more intensely when bigger life changes are upon us which might be added confirmation for some. In fact, think back to a previous time of change; what can you recall from the fear of it versus the reality of it? How have you grown since then? We’re not being handed something too big for us to handle; on the contrary - we’re ready for it.
At this time it’s crucial to honour the space that surrounds your well-being. Take regular walks in nature, meditate, dance, sing your head off to something ‘deeply uncool’ at the traffic lights - whatever it takes to raise your vibration in the moment and remind yourself you’re in a giant temporary classroom for change - you’re on a mission to fulfill your soul purpose, to be of service, and not to sit in detention a moment longer. Our souls are the boss, not our egos.
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable because the discomfort is short-term whilst this transition unfolds. The time has arrived to put into practice what we’ve been in training for. Building something new requires courage, vision and a willingness to leave yesterday behind.
Hold yourself steady through the necessary changes that are required to clear the do-I-stay-or-go repetitive and cyclical confusion. Clear outdated patterns of fear, acknowledge the roller-coaster of emotions with an observation that allows you to make room for them and accept them without struggle or resistance.
Become aware of where you may be ‘gaslighting’ yourself or undermining your needs by swapping out what you may perceive as freedom for heartfelt connection. Isolation is not independence; it’s self protection.
Instead, practice unapologetically withdrawing your energy in service of calling time on repeating patterns. Become self disciplined in non reaction and separate from the tailspin of drama the ego-mind relentlessly churns out in vain hope of trumping your heart’s voice. Listen to what is important to you, communicate and act on that when centered. Meet your own needs whilst practicing interdependence and respect for others.
What do you need to decline now, and what do you need to create space for that embraces the new emerging opportunities? Try not to dwell on the past or spend time fearing the future, because all it does is steal it.
We’re concentrating on the here and now; allowing the flow of the moment even if that means embracing uncertainty, and relishing the power we have over our own choices. Individually, cultivate a confidence in knowing who you are that allows you to respond in accordance with what matters to you, and release expectations or the imposed restraint of other’s behaviour that’s rooted in a filter of past wounding.
With gratitude and blessing, we’re creating new memories born from letting go. It’s time to breathe in the awaiting opportunities that vibrate to the frequency of our hearts - so be mindful of what your heart is saying and where you’re attempting to override it.
Move through April by feeling and honouring the connection within yourself; knowing you’re part of a specific collective that is in service to others. Implement your part in this by individually offering yourself compassion for your experiences in your human journey, so you can relate and unite reciprocally with others from a place of fully trusting in yourself and your spiritual path. Embracing union with others amplifies our efforts that leads to a greater impact in a world.
Being of service is not simply about giving, for it is vital to receive the gifts of connection and transformation that others offer us. When we step out of fear and into self-liberation, we are true agents of change. We can observe the ego that is too frightened of mistakes, change or risk. Whilst that served our previously dis-empowered selves, we are now fully functioning adults bringing meaning to the world, trusting in our intuition, knowing what and who is right for us, rising to our heart’s knowing and discovering the inter-connectedness that union and co-creation brings.
Ultimately, it is only unhealed parts that seek external validation through others accepting and following our guidance to feel worthy. Together we can strengthen and grow by complementing each other with acceptance and unity.
Alison Jeavons is a professional intuitive specialising in Existentialism and ACT Practitioner for Soulchology - a place where intuition and spirituality meet the grounded support of trauma-informed behaviourism for identity, skill-development, emotional well-being and transition.