A Sun Sets, A Day Is Born
"Death is not extinguishing the light, it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come". - Rabindranath Tagore
Death Tarot: Linescape Evolution Gold
Intuition is the language of our hearts; key to strengthening awareness, self expression, and transforming relationships. These posts are designed to help guide your path for choice and sovereignty and may resonate more with those identifying with counterpart or soul connections.
What is coming into awareness to reflect on?
The iron fist in the velvet glove is coming in punching during March showing us where there is a ‘death and rebirth’ situation happening. Something that’s no longer viable ends, thus birthing the something new that is.
Something may have already recently happened that has lit up our caves. At one end of the spectrum it could feel as though we’ve been questioning our path for a while but it now feels the right time to really get honest with ourselves and others in terms of where we’re heading. Essentially, giving light to our long-buried truth.
And at the other end of this spectrum sits full on change that we’re not sure we’re ready for, but when we look down we’ve already boarded that train and it’s departing.
Where you are on this spectrum will feel clear to you since March is a pinnacle master number 11 month, meaning your intuition and soul-knowing is at its height enabling you to make the changes you’ve been… ‘rescheduling’.
I feel as though I say this so often but I observe the cards and write with detachment, often looking back without memory like reading a post from another author. I get many texts and emails after posts go out, telling me how they land with perfect timing and how confirming they are. But I’d like to say to that, we read what we’re signposted to read. Spirit is very adept at pulling the digital strings and creating ‘collective energy’ that both separates and bonds. How often do you notice songs ‘just at the right time?’ Etc. We’re pulled to information that serves as a gentle echo to our intuition - often a voice that is suppressed by the ego for fear of change.
We only really see, hear and feel what and who, is meant for us.
This post is a summary of many cards I pulled for March guidance. Somewhere on this spectrum of change we’re managing our fear, exhilaration, excitement and anticipation. It might not be an entire end to what we’ve built; for some of us it could be a pivot, others are chucking a uey (as we say down under), whilst others are designing something entirely new. Something that will stop hushing the voice inside us that’s now sitting at around 85 decibels. We’ve mastered all that we can master in our particular life phase, and now it’s time to put our mastery into action as we embark on the next, and possibly, final chapter that sees many of us making our mark in the world, and fulfilling our life purpose.
Our bodies tell us when it’s time to move. And I’m not talking burpees. We can feel a tug, or resistance in the place where we need to focus. Our chest or throat might feel more restricted if we’re not speaking our truth, or expressing how we feel about certain things important to us. Our hearts may feel heavy if we’re holding back emotion, or our stomachs may feel knotted with anxiety if we’re living in fear. We could be getting a catalogue of other experiences that John Sarno MD spoke about in his books, depending on our individual life paths.
Our minds don’t really run the show, our hearts do. And I use heart and intuition interchangeably since I feel they’re one of the same. Wherever we believe emotion arises from, it’s to be listened to and respected. Some of us were taught to ignore emotions since they pass or they’re inconvenient. Yes they change, but they hold critical information that when observed, guides us toward growth, trust, health and fulfilment.
Untamed minds often spew well-rehearsed confining dialogue designed for survival, when in reality there is little to no threat. Remember the tortoise and hare fable? Whilst the moral of that tale refers to slow and steady winning the race, I tend to think of our mind as the hare and our heart as the tortoise. The tortoise knows, stays strong and committed around the skittish hare that merely thinks it knows. The tortoise will always win in the end.
We may be watching the wheels coming off various instances in our lives right now, as we approach a juncture that will benefit from tuning into our wisdom.
If we’ve survived a history of being shut down for speaking up, we may be feeling this more intensely since we’ve learned patterns of self protection. We could be finding ourselves examining where we put ourselves on mute to avoid conflict, and how this might have led to subconscious co-dependent strategies that see us trying to fix or shut-down that which threatens our stability. Our time has changed. We’re no longer the same person and our responses are different. As we come into alignment, our souls light fires our egos can no longer put out.
All transformative energy is a gift, but granted, it doesn’t feel that way when we’re in the eye of the storm. It doesn’t seem as though we’re being given any more warnings. What is being brought to us now is a divine opportunity to transform everything in our lives that has kept us in repetitive cycles of repressed emotion and fear that dictate our actions.
“The limits of your language mean the limits of your world”
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
What is useful to consider when deciding how to move forward?
Remember we’re always in choice, but like I said in ‘Silence is not golden’, “Divine timing does not reward stagnancy and we are always being asked to choose between fate or freewill.”
In other words, something will happen for us if we don’t choose to realign ourselves, and this could look like businesses failing, relationships ending, health issues… and other occurrences that might cause a spot of nail-biting as resistance to change grows.
It’s important to be compassionate with ourselves i.e. using the kind and supportive words we’d use with a friend. We need to catch our internal language and tune into Radio Self.
We need to stop swimming against the tide. The answer lies in listening to what our heart wants and then using our minds to create change. The fear we feel may be based on how we perceive ourselves or from societal expectations and beliefs. By feeling our feelings and responding independently, we’ll create a more positive reality by letting go of limited perspectives where we may have fell victim.
If we recognise ourselves as over-working or thinking to avoid feeling, know the time has come to ramp up our inner strength and take a courageous step forward toward the love we thought was unattainable, whether that’s with ourself, something, or with someone else. There’s self discipline sure, but full on self-denial is not an act of self love. We can only connect with what our heart yearns for if we let go of the past and open our heart to create space for what we deserve. And if we find ourselves saying, ‘But I don’t deserve it…’ that is my point right there and does not equal the truth.
So what is your truth, not someone else’s you took to believe was yours?
We need to make moves to forgive ourselves and others for any actions we took whilst doing the best we could in self-preservation mode. Wanting to change the behaviour of others toward us is wanting them to be different whilst reducing us to codependent fixing and mirroring behaviour. Recovering from such wounds is a path of self-discovery and empowerment as we learn to prioritise our emotional needs above the expectations of others, and to reciprocally believe we are worthy of receiving.
We need to commit to identifying what we need to change now. We need to acknowledge where we’re at and celebrate our path so far, even the craters and potholes. Life isn’t meant to be all polished and squeaky. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. We need to cultivate patience as we balance the throttle with the brake; using our mind to be assertive in the direction of heart-led change because it’s time to nurture ourselves as well as others, not at the cost of.
Alison Jeavons is a professional intuitive, Transpersonal + Existential Coach, and ACT Practitioner for Soulchology - a place where intuition and spirituality meet the grounded support of trauma-informed behaviourism for identity, skill-development, emotional well-being and transition.