Photograph by Alison Jeavons
These timeless Tarot and Lenormand collective readings combine with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to journal a reflection of the previous week and forecast the energy of the next. Be empowered to explore the spiritual signs that guide your life and to trust in your self authority.
In this article:
Reflecting on: How our wounding is ours to heal
Our seven-day forecast: Thawing the ‘ice’ in justice
Shower thoughts to ACT on: Effective change
My personal reflection of last week’s forecast
I’ve started to notice a numerological pattern accompanying these post numbers. This is number nine that corresponds with the wisdom to notice that freedom resides in the letting go of what we’re outgrowing, or have outgrown.
Last weeks post related to both the light and dark, positive and negative of the eight. Authority; both internal and external controlling forces that presented a powerhouse of energy that ripped through my life leaving my wheels spinning in a ditch of ‘What the AF is happening… Despite having foreseen it coming, I didn’t know what ‘it’ was until it hit me.
Over the last week, I’ve been grieving the initial layers of a physical result born from years of emotional trauma. I noticed on a numerological ‘nine day’ I’d moved through the worst of the surface shock encompassing fear, anger and sadness that mirrored the card energy of ‘#8 Good Grief’. And, I had started the ascent to releasing control for a new physical beginning driven purely on the grounds of resilience, self love and a commitment to myself.
I came across a quote, and I can’t find an accurate source, but it reminded me that, ‘Whilst our wounding is very likely not our fault, it is our responsibility to heal from it’.
Everyone hurts, and those that choose to hurt us are carrying their own unhealed wounds from unmet needs, pain and scarring. At some point, the ‘buck’ has to stop and an empowering way to take charge is to recognise when enough is enough. Resentment and sadness often cause disease, or ‘dis-ease’ as the word is formed, meaning dis-ease produces the unrest we must turn and face, not attempt to outrun. Consider taking a look at ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ by Louise Hay for insight in how unhealed emotions can lead to physical challenges.
Unmet needs and unhealed wounds ultimately derails your life which hurts not just you but those closest to you. And so the wheel keeps turning until you see it, and do the work to heal yourself, which in turn heals others… and so forth. Seemingly, one of the points to our existence.
So whilst it could be considered wildly unfair, it is within your own human and spiritual power to take control of how you think, feel and behave. Your soul knows what it needs to do to heal; the challenge is conquering your mindset in which to do this. Making the decision to release what poisons your very being is an act of self love and a commitment that only you can make for yourself.
If ‘the thing’ that causes you the most sadness or anger is met with a desire to avoid it, or push the memory away and do something else, be mindful that it will keep arising for you to heal once and for all, before ‘it’ takes control of you. This alone can seem as though you’re being hurt all over again.
But the opposite is true because the only way out is through.
You are worth every droplet of self compassion and care. And learning how to provide this for yourself, especially if you’ve been brought up to believe you’re not worthy of it, is most definitely worth it. You have to know and believe wholeheartedly that you matter. And this can be a life-long exercise that’s walked from moment to moment.
Because that’s all any of us have.
The past and the future only exist within your mind. Healing starts in the now; the only space in time you have control over. Do not allow memories from the past that attempted to rob your peace of mind and love in your heart, to decide your now, and your future. To do so will continue to feed the gaping lack in the person who inflicted the wound upon you, whether here today or not. Taking it with you ensures the pain will continue long after the event has passed. Now I don’t know about you but that to me is not justice.
Do not take the past with you, instead create your now for the fantastic future you’re worthy of.
I know I am.
“Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed, it means the damage no longer controls your life.”
- Shah Rukh Khan
Seven-Day Forecast
The Transparent Tarot by Emily Carding: L-R: Justice reversed, Four of Cups, Page of Swords reversed.
I’m solely using the rather clever transparency deck this week with the above photo combined below to show how the cards come together to produce a layered image.
Whilst in modern decks, the eight refers to Strength, Emily uses traditional numbering before Rider-Waite-Smith switched the position of Strength and Justice to fit the astrological correspondences by Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, under which the eight card associates with Leo, whilst eleven with Libra.
This highly intuitive deck reads in layers with four ways in which each card can land (front, back, upright, reverse), making for a much larger smorgasbord of interpretation. Using simplistic symbolism for each card, this deck presents a clean window into the psyche and I love it for when I’m after clear answers.
Left: What are we currently learning?
The Justice reversed lands to bring equality to a situation that simply wasn’t fair. However because it’s in reverse, this energy is weakened, blocked, or in the process of happening. Maybe there are some things you regret, and now a few chickens are coming home to roost, or you’re finally achieving compensation for something or from someone that wronged you. There’s a truth that’s coming to the surface, whether that be actively voiced, or an inner realisation that brings harmony and balance where unsustainable living has knocked your life out of balance.
Inquire now as to what your personal truth is, and how you know it to be your absolute truth. Where in your body do you feel that truth?
What decisions may you need to make that move your life into a place of balance rather than excess or avoidance?
Can you stand by your decisions, and what consequences either way may you need to consider now?
Middle: For what reason?
The Four of Cups indicates a time when you may feel you want to withdraw from the world, spend time introspecting, dreaming and centering. You want to be alone, but for what reason? The fours represent stability but also an unwillingness to change. Are you taking something for granted? Is there an area of your life where a dream has become more of a reality, or even, more appealing than your reality?
What do you need to take more time to consider before making a decision?
Reflect, ponder, muse and allow yourself the space you need in order to become re-inspired, and to discover what is important to you.
Right: Overall focus
The Page of Swords’ mind runs non-stop. You’re a multiple perspective-taker and consider situations from every perceivable angle. When this card shows up in reverse you may be beating yourself up for making a decision that limited you in some way, or you later came to realise was a mistake. It can be exhausting to over-analyse and of course you cannot change the past. All you can do is learn from your choices and make new ones that continue to stoke the fire of your inspiration, intrigue, and brilliance. Choose your words carefully. You don’t always need to say everything that comes to mind, but when communicating your truth is crucial to a situation, express yourself with confidence and care that empowers all concerned in the continuation of acquiring knowledge and servicing your growth.
Where may you need to reflect on an act of expression you feel undermined you, and what new forms of communication can you choose now?
Might there be more research needed before making a decision or pursuing an idea?
The Nutshell
This deck illustrates the various Pages as young girls in each suit with different length skirt to depict their ages and thus levels of maturity as they progress from the Wands through to the Pentacles. The Page of Swords here wears a below-knee length skirt which to me feels she is around 11-14 years of age, or represents a time or mindset of that era.
This reading is providing someone with validation of a wrong-doing during childhood that wasn’t fair and has governed life to such an extent that has left choices over personal well-being to others. As the saying goes, ‘When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.’ And this becomes the mantra to live by in adulthood.
Another angle could be referring to a young person being called to your awareness now to work with, or support. This young person could even represent you when you were younger, or a younger person around you now that reminds you of an old wound… and that only love can thaw a frozen heart.
The energy we’re moving through is asking us where choices have led to an imbalance in the way we live, have left a wound to heal, and ask us to bring courage and conviction to the forefront now to inspire and reignite an energy of integrity, intelligence and heart-led purpose.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. The time is always right to do what is right.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.
Shower Thoughts to ACT on…
Predicting the future. When you imagine the future, do you immediately conjure up a painful situation you may find yourself in? Stick with that for a moment. Can you notice what happens when your thoughts, feelings, sensations or memories grab hold of you, or ‘hook’ you as we say in ACT?
Can you notice what you do in reaction?Do what’s effective. Changing ingrained behaviour can be a challenge. So how about we re-frame this change to instead choose effectiveness? When faced with a situation or a need to respond, instead of defaulting to something that doesn’t work for you, can you choose an effective action that is appropriate in achieving your intention, even if it’s uncomfortable?
Without self judgement and by becoming aware of your body language, what would doing the best you can in that moment look like?Are you on the right path? We can often second-guess ourselves and lose trust in the process, a higher path, or that our way forward is divinely guided. We can lose faith and become apathetic with our lot; feeling we are not in control.
However… much work has been done over eons of time to prove what science cannot.A plethora of guidance from those that have walked before us, and walk with us now, show that by keeping going, keeping the belief, and by keep remembering that you made a soul contract you’re currently fulfilling in every area of your life. You’re constantly guided by your intuition; which can be summed up by ‘feeling what’s right for you’. What you can’t see doesn’t mean it’s not real.
What signs have you noticed, or discounted, that guide your path? Maybe a website you don’t quite know how you landed on? Dreams. Repeating numbers. Or a random conversation with a stranger who just so happened to be in the right place at the right time? The signs are everywhere.
What would happen for you now if you trusted the knowing in your heart to guide you into your next moment?
Alison Jeavons is a professional intuitive, certified Transpersonal Coach, Practitioner in Trauma Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (TFACT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), plus a variety of humanistic and alternative models.
Learn more about Soulchology or to book a session.